Hi there!
Welcome to my blog. I’ll make the pilot short and sweet. Here’s some random facts about me:
- senior at JHU
- studying computer science
- from Houston, Texas
- teaching assistant for JHU introduction to algorithms and gateway computing
- academic interests in AI, computer systems, UI/UX design, machine learning
- personal interests in musical composition, singing, skiing, cooking, home barista-ing
- semi-fluent in Mandarin
My goal for this blog is just to share any interesting thoughts that come to mind. They’ll probably be about engineering, music, with maybe some philosphy thrown in there. But the sky’s the limit!
I’d also like to add a quote to each blog post to reflect on. Here’s one that’s been on my mind recently
”Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not,” - George Bernard Shaw